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An iPhone or a laptop at half price, anyone?

An iPhone or a laptop at half price, anyone?

Computer clearance is the way to find laptops and new phones at second-hand prices. On the PC Market site, we found very good deals and in particular an iPhone and a laptop at half price.

I know that you are familiar with computer destocking because Sandrine, our Conso specialist, already spoke to you about it some time ago. It was already, and it remains, one of the best ways to buy a new computer or phone at rock-bottom prices. For latecomers:

Computer Destocking, What is it Already?

Buying a destocked product is buying a product that a customer has returned. 2 cases arise:

• Either the initial customer has changed his mind in the days following the purchase because he finally preferred another color or another model.

• Either the customer has experienced a breakdown and returned his computer or phone.

In both cases, the model is returned to the manufacturer who will recondition it after having dealt with the failure if necessary. In the end, the refurbished product is put back on sale "like new". Broken parts are changed and the same guarantees are applied as for new .

PC Market, the Bargain Destocker

PC Market is not new to the clearance market. They have 2 stores in Paris to buy IT devices directly, have them repaired or get advice.

If you prefer, like us, to stay on the web, their website allows you to find good deals . I also found 2 very interesting offers:

• A nice iPhone 4S 16GB at only €269 instead of €459, i.e. 190 € savings . According to the spec sheet, the iPhone is second-hand. It works perfectly well but has some traces of use. Personally, I don't mind for 190€ less.

• A very efficient IBM Lenovo ThinkPad PC at €139 instead of €299, ie €160 in savings. This product, despite this 54% discount , is close to new, according to the data sheet. It has slight traces of use but is in perfect working order. Not bad, right?

What do you think of PC Market? Did you already know this computer destocker? Give us your impressions in comments.