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Standard Letter to Terminate your Mobile Plan and Avoid Tacit Renewal.

Standard Letter to Terminate your Mobile Plan and Avoid Tacit Renewal.

Are you coming to the end of your mobile plan and want to cancel it?

Or do you want to buy a new cheaper phone from a competitor?

The problem is that you are committed to an operator.

Here is a little help to write your letter in order to avoid tacit renewal, that is to say an automatic renewal of subscription.

Tacit renewal, what exactly is it?

Standard Letter to Terminate your Mobile Plan and Avoid Tacit Renewal.

Tacit renewal allows your operator to renew your contract, i.e. to renew it automatically. No writing or even phone call is necessary to warn you.

When your subscription comes to an end, it is thus renewed for the same period as before.

According to article L. 121-84-3 of the Consumer Code in France, your access provider must indicate your remaining commitment period and notify you between three and one month before the end of your contract, your right of termination (even in small print on your contract). This allows you to avoid re-engaging unintentionally.

If this clause is not respected, according to article L. 136-1 of the Code of consumption , you would have the right to end the contract at any time and without additional costs.

My standard letter to avoid tacit renewal

Standard Letter to Terminate your Mobile Plan and Avoid Tacit Renewal.

As with my other standard letter for early termination, I would advise you to write down your contact details, telephone number and contract number at the top left of your letter, as well as the contact details for your operator's termination service at the top right. .

Here is my sample letter to cancel your mobile plan before tacit renewal :

Place............, on................

Object :Termination of my Mobile plan before tacit renewal.

Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Madam, Sir,

Please note my request for termination before tacit renewal of my mobile plan subscription contract no. (note your subscription number), subscribed on (note the date of subscription).

My contract expires on (note the date), I ask you to provide me with an invoice for closing my account. I would like to remind you that article L. 121-84-2 of the Consumer Code requires you not to exceed 10 days notice of termination.

I also notify you that I have terminated direct debits as permitted by Section 2004 of the Civil Code , while remaining at your disposal to pay the amounts due, if any, via my account closure invoice.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.

Name and Signature

For more convenience, download this model letter here that you will only have to fill in and sign! Letter to be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

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