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Buying cheap organic is possible by following my advice.

Buying cheap organic is possible by following my advice.

Yes, it is possible to eat organic without breaking the bank and we will prove it with our cheap tips. Here are the tips!

I know what you are saying to yourself:"buying organic is very nice, but given the price it costs, very little for me." I felt that for a long time too, but recently I discovered two or three things that I think will allow you to shop cheap while entering the organic community. Follow me, please!, community consumption is THE new good idea of ​​the moment. As its name suggests, this site offers you to create a "hive" with people you know in order to eat well at a mini mini price.

But a beehive, kezako? In fact, it's simple, it's about partnering with several people to buy products directly from a farmer. You find a meeting point for the arrival of the products, you set a wholesale price... This way, you no longer need to go through a distributor who will fill their pockets by imposing hallucinating margins !

Farmers' stores

Farmer's shops are small shops located in large cities, run by one or more farmers who offer to sell their vegetables directly to you. Again, no middleman so no margin, so small price guaranteed!

These stores exist in almost all the cities and all the districts of Paris. To find them, just inquire at your town hall or on the website

Food barter

Food barter is also a very good option for those who want to eat organic in a warm atmosphere. It consists of meeting in a warehouse or a store and exchanging a product for another product, or even for a service.

For example, as in the time of our ancestors the Gauls, you can barter your gardening skills for a kilo of rutabagas. It's a new society that offers itself to you!

Do you know your own good plans for consuming organic at a good price? Do not hesitate, leave us a little comment!